In the photo to the left, the sun lit some stars and flags.
Near the Rialto is a small bar that is literally a hole in the wall, open to the outside with about enough room inside for two people. Yet, they have a big TV on the wall and a rather elaborate stereo system.
One of the local grocery stores had these salamis shaped like my dog Leopold, which the Italians call Leopoldo. We sometimes just call him Pold. They not only look like him, they have his name.
Right: one of my favorite watering holes decorated for Christmas
Roasted pork at a stand in Campo San Polo
Even kids have to wear boots during high water.
How not to park a boat
Rosary for the really bad kids -->
What's for dinner, mom?
One of my local heroes. Them's big jugs of wine.
An out of the way shrine
Raw licorice
Did you know that an artichoke is merely the flower of a thistle?
Everything in Venice comes in by boat, even cement.
Creative fish display at the Rialto Fish Market
Chinese art installation during the Biennale
A view from my dentist's chair
I didn't know you had to use any gimmicks to get kids to eat baloney
In Venice when you graduate with their version of a doctorate you may go through a hazing ceremony where they dress you up funny in something related to your degree, make you read horrible things about yourself, throw gunk on you, and make you drink. I have seen these people not able to get up. The bottle is usually taped to a hand.
The street lamps in Venice are tinted rose and make great shadows
There are scorpions in Venice
This is one of the most interesting vegetables I have ever seen. It is a green cauliflower, and is a big point, which is covered in smaller points, which are covered in smaller points, ad infinitum, all of which are identical.
On of the more interesting (and hard to find) wells in Venice. It is in a public space, but not exactly on the beaten path. If you ever find it, send me a picture.
My fish guy in Campo Santa Margherita is cleaning one of the other treasures of the sea eaten in Venice. Unlike the Greeks, who generally grill the tentacles, the Venetians usually eat it cold chopped up in a salad with celery. I don't know what it is about celery and octopus, but they go together like peaches and cream. A delicious combination.
Wow, Picture overload!!
Rob :-)
Yeah, I went a little nuts, but I had a bunch of pictures on my phone that were a bit out the ordinary
And there's me saying you post little nuggets, you know, short posts, to the point !
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